Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What is technology?

What is technology? The first thing that comes to mind is computer related/operated items. But after thinking more about this issue, I think that definition of technology is really the definition of electronic technology. Technology to me is anything that helps you adapt to your world/environment. By that definition, pencil, paper, shoes, etc. all would be considered technology. Technology does not always make your world easier, but I think it can help in making things easier to handle. Shoes makes walking much more comfortable for me. While trying to figure out how my car runs can be stressful at times, I know that there is someone out there who understands that aspect of technology. Technology is what you make of it. Technology can be used to change the old way of doing things. E books and movie books are a new version of the old book and tape center. Bookmarking allows your favorite sites to travel and have access to them from any internet accessible computer. Technology can give you the freedom to accomplish tasks in many different ways.

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